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Hi, I'm Caren. I'm a Certified Master Life Coach, and I call Seattle my home. My passion is all about helping you break through your limitations, address the burnout and live your one precious life doing what you truly love.  The fears that have been keeping you from reaching your true potential, we will face them head-on, no holding back. And if you're not quite sure what that looks like,  we will go on that journey together. 

I believe humans respond to these three essential needs:

  • feeling seen

  • feeling heard 

  • feeling safe 

When these needs are met they create:

  • love

  • confidence

  • validation 


Let's get started!

Be ready to work!  I’m serious. I respect your time and investment. I will ask you powerful questions. Only you will have the answers. We can often make a difference in just a handful of sessions.  I guarantee I am honest, not brutally, but lovingly honest. Let me help you in your personal growth journey.




About Caren



I've gathered a wealth of insights throughout my life and during my career as a corporate marketing recruiter. Interacting with numerous people, I've delved into their fears and aspirations, helping them discover what truly brings them joy and fulfillment. It was during these experiences that I unearthed my passion for guiding individuals in their personal and professional growth while identifying what overwhelms them and how to address and prevent burnout.

In addition to my career, I dedicated three years to volunteering for a support hotline for new moms and leading PEPS (Program for Early Parent Support) groups in the Seattle area. My own struggles with  severe postpartum depression when I became a new mom inspired me to support others embarking on their unique motherhood journeys.


My mission is to empower women who aspire to step into their true selves and realize their dreams. We'll work on establishing healthy boundaries, silencing those inner critics, and breaking free from societal norms to pave your own powerful path. If you've ever yearned for someone to wholeheartedly believe in you, know that I am that person.

Let's embark on the quest to unlock your fullest potential and create the most fulfilling version of yourself for the rest of your life. It's time to turn your dreams into reality! Are you ready to unleash your unique gifts and change the world?

Well, then, let's dive in. The time is now!

Develop and Strengthen

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 Healthy Boundaries

 Grasp what healthy limits mean uniquely to you. Quit people-pleasing, and protect yourself.  We will create a balanced life where you prioritize 'me-time' throughout your life coaching journey.


Strong Tools 

Gain self-confidence, reduce stress, befriend your inner critic, strengthen your inner mentor, and honor yourself through transformative coaching with me.

Love Yourself

Deep Self Knowledge

Learn about who you really are.  Remember your original dreams before life took over.  Rediscover your values and learn to live by them on your own terms.

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